
👋 Hey I am Vijayabaskar,
a Full Stack Developer from India (more)

Latest posts

Jun. 21, 2024

Day 2 of nights and weekends

It’s day two , and like I said yestarday I wanted to document my journey, so here I am, I started to working on my app and what I have done today is just build the navigation of the app, and decided how many screens it going to have and what are the main thing to focus on. Screen 1 : list of Songs alogn with the search bar Screen 2 : creat room discover rooms, Screen 3 : account

Jun. 19, 2024

Kick off nights and weekends S5

I am participating in the Nights and Weekends Season 5 of BuildSpace, so this blog is about: What the heck is that? Why am I excited about it? What is the plan and other stuff. BuildSpace is a home for people bringing their wildest ideas to life, and every year they conduct an event named Nights and Weekends. The general idea behind the event is that anybody can join with an idea of their own and bring it to life over a six-week period.

Jun. 12, 2024

OWASP API Security

I am preparing for an interview and noticed that the job description mentions knowledge of OWASP is required. Since I didn’t know what it was, I did what any reasonable person would do—I googled it. Googling only gives you a surface level of information, and for me, that’s never enough. I try to reach at least a 5/10 level of understanding when I learn any subject, and that’s when I feel satisfied.

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